If you’re experiencing ongoing neck pain, it may be time to stop reaching for the aspirin and begin looking for an interventional solution. Neck pain can run the gamut from the occasional discomfort of being […]
The statistics on sufferers of chronic pain are staggering – and irrelevant if you’re the one with the pain. The sad fact, though, is that many of these sufferers don’t have to suffer, yet they […]
Millions of Americans suffer from chronic pain. Many don’t have to. Are you one of them? The truth is, people can become so used to being in pain that they accept it. They structure their […]
During the holidays, our heads often are filled with thoughts of gifts we can give to others to make them happy and improve their lives in ways both small and large. This year, we’re thinking […]
Life’s little victories. Most of us take them for granted. Hopping out of bed, getting ready for work, driving to the job site, shopping on the way home, cooking, socializing with family and friends and […]
As recently noted by Healthgrades, choosing a pain management doctor is one of the most important and personal decisions a person can make, given the profound effect intense discomfort can have on quality of […]
Studies show that 80 percent of people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. While that number is striking, what is more interesting is how many of us accept that pain is […]
Eighty percent of all Americans will experience low back pain in some point in their lives. Back pain can be disabling. It can be the result of injury, as well as illness. At Central Texas […]
Your back takes a lot of impacts and is an essential part of your daily life. In between each vertebra are your discs, which are there to help ease any impacts. They provide height, allow […]
Living with chronic pain does not mean you have to spend the summers indoors. With proper preparation and knowledge, you may be able to live an active summer life without the extra aches. To get […]