Pankaj Mehta, MD
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Bldg B. Suite 201
Killeen, TX 76542
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PSA Surgery Center of Killeen
2701 East Stan Schlueter Loop
Suite 100
Killeen, TX 76542
P: (254) 415-7673
F: (254) 432-4910
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Pankaj Mehta, MD


Dr. Mehta is a Board Certified Anesthesiologist trained at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. He then completed an interventional pain fellowship at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Mehta has gained national recognition for his contributions to Interventional Pain Medicine.

During his training, Dr. Mehta was awarded a Harvard fellowship for NIH-sponsored research exploring the need for alternative medicines in chronic opioid therapy. His research on post-war chronic pain was highly acclaimed and published as a review article in a leading national journal.

His goals are to help people suffering from pain, optimize pain control, enhance their abilities to function, improve physical and psychological well being. His practice focuses on a multidisciplinary approach that closely meets individual needs, (PERSONALIZED MEDICINE) technologically advanced treatment modalities, alternative and complementary therapies, and REGENERATIVE MEDICINE.

Dr. Mehta is considered a key opinion leader in the field of pain management and is committed to partner with the community to manage pain in an optimal way. He runs various pain wellness programs in collaboration with local physicians, which encompasses multiple interventional strategies for SPINE PAIN, HEADACHES/PTSD/ABDOMINAL/PELVIC PAIN AND NEUROPATHY. Dr. Mehta’s main focus is on spine pain, headaches, spinal stenosis, abdominal and pelvic pain with a prime interest in neuromodulation and minimally invasive therapies.

Dr. Mehta is one of the first proctors of various new therapies for spine pain and CRPS. He is considered a leading neuromodulation specialist in Texas and is referred patients from all corners of the state. He lectures all over the country on the latest breakthroughs of interventional pain and has numerous publications to his credit. He is an educator and instructor for several health care companies who research and develop treatments for chronic pain.

Dr. Mehta is the Director of research at PSA and conducts cutting edge clinical research involving therapies used for chronic pain.

Dr. Mehta is an active member of most leading professional organizations including the North American Neuromodulation Society, International Neuromodulation Society and American Society of Interventional PainPhysicians.

Disclosures: Dr. Mehta is on the advisory board of Vertiflex. Dr. Mehta is a consultant and faculty for the educational curriculum for Vertiflex, Abbott, SPR Therapeutics and Ethos Labs (functional biomarkers).


Clinical President for Managed Clinical Services, PSA
Chief Medical Officer, PSA
Medical Director, PSA Surgery Center of Killeen
Director of Research, Clinical Training, and Surgical Services of PSA Surgery Centers
Clinical Advisory Board Member
Board Certified in Anesthesiology & Interventional Pain Medicine
Fellowship Trained in Interventional Pain Medicine
Harvard Medical School / Cleveland Clinic


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