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Pain Management Resources

We are dedicated to educating our patients on causes, diagnostic methods, and treatment of pain. Our pain management specialists believe that a better understanding of your condition leads to better patient outcomes.

Debilitating pain can be a thing of the past with our in-depth, advanced approach to controlling chronic pain.
If you’re ready to live life again, please call (855) 876-7246 to schedule an appointment at one of our clinics in Texas or request an appointment online.
Physician holding a spine model

What is chronic pain?

Pain that persists for more than three to six months is considered chronic pain. While acute pain from an injury typically subsides after a period of healing, chronic pain persists. When pain is perceived in the nerves, pain signals are sent to the brain, and over time the effect of continuous or chronic pain takes a toll on your physical, mental, and emotional health.
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Patient with knee pain

What causes chronic pain?

Injury and illness can cause chronic pain. Psychological problems can also lead to a perception of chronic pain. Pain is a symptom, which tells your brain that something is wrong with your body. You can seek medical attention for the root cause of your pain, but if the pain continues to bother you months later, you may have a chronic pain condition.
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Physician working on patients back

How is chronic pain diagnosed and treated?

Pinpointing the exact cause and location of a patient’s pain is highly dependent on the patient-doctor relationship. Patients need to be completely honest and comfortable talking to the doctor about their pain.
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Physician working on patients legg

What is a pain management doctor?

A pain management doctor is a board-certified physician (typically an anesthesiologist) with a subspecialty certification in pain medicine. To earn the subspecialty certification, the doctor must complete additional training and pass a rigorous exam.
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PSA Blog

Cancer Pain Management
Getting a cancer diagnosis is a shock, to say the least. The C-word is a word no one wants or expects to hear, but it is an unfortunate reality to far too many people. Cancer […]
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Hand-In-Glove: Associated Factors Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Nature and nurture both play a role in the occurrence of many different diseases and conditions. One condition that is often affected by our environment and genetics is called carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Carpal tunnel syndrome […]
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Treating Meniscal Tears With Pain Management
Meniscal tears are a common knee injury involving the meniscus, a disc of cartilage that cushions the knee joint. It occurs most commonly in athletes due to a sudden twisting of the knee, but can happen to […]
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How Stem Cell Can Help Spine Degeneration
How Stem Cell Can Help Spine Degeneration In Spine. The back pain resulting from spinal degeneration can get so bad that even simple movements become major ordeals. Participating in family outings can be a chore, even bending to […]
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What Does The Weather Have To Do With Your Pain?
Some folks claim they can tell when it’s going to rain or there’s a cold front on the way because their arthritis is acting up. Images of an old-timer on his porch, saying “there’s a […]
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Going To Great Pains: The Path Toward Diagnosing Your Chronic Disorder
Whoever coined the saying “Pain of mind is worse than pain of body” probably never experienced chronic pain. Chronic pain can be caused by a number of factors – genetics, anxiety, injury, or disease; and […]
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Facet Blocks Vs Nerve Block Injections
Pain-relief injections are a highly effective, nonsurgical way to provide lasting relief for muscle, joint, and nerve pain. Depending on the location and source of your pain, different types of injections may be used to […]
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What Is Transverse Carpal Ligament Pain?
Your wrist is one of the hardest-working joints in the body. The work that many of us do with our hands, including writing or typing, can contribute to repetitive stress pain in the wrist. Part […]
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What Is Regenerative Medicine?
New Frontiers of Healing Regenerative medicine represents what may turn out to be the greatest leap forward in medicine since the discover of penicillin. Regenerative medicine is based upon harnessing the potential regenerative processes of […]
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What Are Adult Stem Cells And Why Are They A Medical Game Changer?
Adult stem cells are called undifferentiated cells, meaning that they can change to create other kinds of specialized cells. There are many different types of these stem cells within your body. Each kind of tissue […]
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What Are Facet Blocks?
Facet blocking is a treatment created to provide targeted relief for those suffering from debilitating back pain. Spinal facet joints are the small spaces located between the vertebrae of your spine. These articular processes act […]
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Combating Pain In The Forces
Combating Pain in the Forces: Challenges and Modern Management  As early as 2006, the military was beginning to see a link between increasing rates of soldier suicides and pain issues. The symptoms in soldiers with […]
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